Friday, September 24, 2021

EDO's challenges in Samdrup Jongkhar

Ever since I am here in Samdrup Jongkhar, a day has not gone by without me thinking about the economic
development activities in the Dzongkhag.

But the challenge here is that people are independent and one more step ahead of me. They are giving me tough competition.

The Dzongkhag is known for its mass production of ginger. Hence, one feasible CSI is a ginger factory to produce ginger oil and ginger powder. So thought, I shared it with one of my friends. But I was awestruck completely when he said, “Bro! There is a ginger factory in the upper Samdrup Jongkhar town”. Dang! How unlucky.

I cannot say if it is due to an industrial park here in SJ, but people are well informed about the business.

One evening, I went to the supermarket in search of opportunities for CSI establishment from the locally available resources. My eye caught a dark yellow package, hung from the rope. Mesmerized, I asked the shopkeeper. She told me, “It is ‘Haldi’, - original! For 30”.

“The farmer is trying the market”. She added. I got, whaaaat! So offended, I internalized, what I am here for?

Next, it was in a cool evening. I was cuddling cool air when I met a youth. He was talking about cold storage. I went, holy rabies! SJ people can also read people’s minds. Wow! Wow! Bro, that is my plan? I shouted inside my head. But, outside, I smiled and said, “Please, let me know if EDO can be of any help”.

In a Dzongkhang canteen, with my favorite companion, environment sir, we were sipping coffee. We were talking about policy, government, and development in Bhutan. We were doing a free review. In between, he said that there is a plan to introduce boating in SJ River for tourists by some private individuals. I said, No..No ...No, I was thinking this in Ngera Ama chu in Samdrupcholing- EDO has the full authority to execute, not any private individual. But, I nodded to sir and said “holy good”.

So sick, I am on the chair, thinking and thinking and thinking

And now, it is almost a year.



Monday, September 6, 2021

The cute couple for a cup of coffee | Samdrup Jongkhar

Holy rabies! zing can also happen in Samdrup Jongkhar. zing! zing!

I spotted a young couple on a date today. Other times, it is granny and grandpa on street. And sometimes, weirdo-matched couples: old-young, and young –old, a total unfit jigsaw, are seen swinging their hands on the pathways.

And also, single like me stray around at these odd hours to study sociology practically. I am pragmatic in nature.

Everyone should agree that COVID has saved many families in the town from breaking. Everyone comes out on the street face-masked. Even if a husband and wife cross each other with their boyfriend and girlfriend, whoops! They would not know that it is their alter-ego.  Thank you, FACEMASKS!!!

Well, my struggle remains around losing weight. Taking walks, running, and intermittent fasting like the Thai monks. However, none of these worked.  I remain unmoved.  But, I stick to my commitment. So, I go for a walk every evening, check on every person walking on the street, eye-shop goods, and sometimes steal girls’ gaze-I am really good at it, believe me.

Same time, today, I walked on the street, moved around, watched the people, and stopped by a bakery to chug a cup of coffee- sugarless, black heavy- milk coffee, fat sensitive! This is where a cute couple made a shy and innocent entry into the bakery.

A cup of coffee is five minutes; I don’t sip but chug and make it three times. I am stingy regarding time. I learned this after I have begun to earn.  

But, I sipped the coffee today. My eye followed the couple’s feet. They sat at the next table. I side-watched them with full interest like I have to give an exam on them tomorrow. My ears were all to them.

Their love is just growing. I can make it out by their distance-it was five feet away.

I laughed aloud inside. Love is a thing!

I snake-slithered out.