Like Agriculture Lyonpo said during the networking session at Pemako, I didn’t back away from work unrelated to my field, which gave me broader insights into the gaps between policy and execution and decisions to bridge such issues.
Today, I had a wonderful opportunity to join the environment team from the Department of Industry (DoI), instructed by my boss. I was slightly worried about my knowledge of the Industrial Park.
Luckily, I wasn’t expected to provide much information other than navigating the team to the Industrial Park. The real gain was the insight I gathered from the discussion between the Jindas and the team. It was truly wonderful.
In fact, I met, for the first time, a sound and professional environment officer who clearly understood his role. However, my habit of openly appreciating and sharing such expertise with others sometimes makes me seem naive. Some might find me dumb, but whenever I meet such individuals, I genuinely and deeply wish I possessed those qualities.