Saturday, February 23, 2019
A tragic-comedy hike.

Thursday, February 21, 2019
Shade of love
But I do keep you close.
That smile as cold as snow
Does melt my soul.
I do not mend to care
Of what you look like
You be Snow white
Or the Ugly duckling.
You still are phenomenal.
But, why is it that
I do not fall for you
While many are in queue.
I glare at you, eye to eye
Yet I am rigid to fall for You.
Or has my definition of you
Changed by the words of others?
Should I change to be someone
Whom I am not to fall for You.
But, sadly, I am giving you up.
As I am looking up for someone
Who equals my strength of wisdom.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
A dirt of arrogance
Why should you be indifferent?
When all that world need
Is in you like a jewel.
You are a pretty flower
Whose beauty is beyond
The span of one's reach.
I know I be no height to you
Yet I feel, you be little low
For beauty is a splash of light.
And old age is not a choice.
So you be conscious
And live by the ethics
Like you as a beautiful maiden
Is expected to lead ahead.
I know I mean little to you.
But I am not fool to live in
What you call your fool paradise.
I am acting fool for I put others first.
And do not dare to misunderstand
My pure help for your made beauty.
I feel empathy on you for you feel
Your beauty can buy the world.
But, you need to think that
Whatever is before us
Is just the making of the mind.
Had it been in the different way,
I might have tormented the world in a night.
But, I am what I am, human.